- Németh, András, Mikonya, György and Skiera, Ehrenhard (2005, eds.): Reform pedagogy and life reform. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
- Skiera, Ehrenhard, Németh, András and Mikonya, György (2006, Eds.): Reform pedagogy and life reform in Central Europe. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
- Németh, András and Hopfner, Johanna (2008, eds.): Pedagogical trends in the imperial and royal monarchy. Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
- Németh, András and Veronika Pirka (2013, eds.): Az életreform és Reformpedagógia – Rezeptciós és Institutionalesülési folyamatok a 20. század első felében). Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
- László Beke, András Németh and Gabriella Vincze (2013, eds.): Movement – Hungarian Movement Art in the Mirror of Contemporary Society and Art. Gondolat Publishing House, Budapest.
- András Németh, Veronika Pirka and Béla Pukánszky (2013, eds.): Az életreform és reformpedagógia–recepciós és intézményesülési folyamatok a 20. század első felében. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
- Németh, András, Stöckl, Claudia and Vincze, Beatrix (2017, eds.): Survival of Utopias. Life Reform and Progressive Education in Austria and Hungary. Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
- Ágnes Boreczky and Beatrix Vincze (2018, eds.): Reform pedagogy and life reform – reception trends, institutionalisation processes. Gondolat Kiadó, Budapest.
- Németh, András and Skiera, Ehrenhard (2018, eds.): Hidden stories – the life reform movements and the arts. Kunsthalle, Budapest.
- Németh, András and Nagy, Andrea (2019): Life Reform and Reform Pedagogy in Hungary. Sodobna Pedagogika: Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 70, 1, pp. 192-205.
- Németh, András and Pukánszky, Béla (2019): Life reform efforts in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and their impact on Hungarian cultural and pedagogical reforms. Paedagogica Historica, 56, 4., pp. 1-18., DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2019.1586736
- Vincze, Beatrix, Kempf, Katalin and Németh, András (2020, eds): Hidden Stories – Life Reform Movements and the Art. Peter Lang Publisher, Berlin et al.
- Vincze, Beatrix, Kempf, Katalin and Németh, András (2020, eds.): Life reform and the arts. Gondolat Publishing House – Kunsthalle, Budapest.
- Szente, Dorina and Németh, András (2021): Changes in women’s body perception and education in the first decade of the twentieth century in light of Hungarian women’s journals: Education and Body in Europe (1900 – 1950) Movements, public health, pedagogical rules and cultural ideas Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Berlin, pp. 73-92. DOI: 10.3726/b17818
- Németh, András and Pukánszky, Béla (2020): Life reform, educational reform and reform pedagogy from the turn of the century up until 1945 in Hungary. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación, 7(2), pp. 157-176. DOI: 10.14516/ete.284
- Balogh, Janka and Németh, András (2021): Life reform and the new body concept of the art of movement. In Polenghi, Simonetta, Németh, András and Kasper, Tomas (eds.): Education and Body in Europe (1900 – 1950) Movements, public health, pedagogical rules and cultural ideas. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, Berlin, pp. 41-59. DOI: 10.3726/b17818
A témához kapcsolódóan elkészült doktori disszertációk és habilitációs értekezések:
- Sanda, István Dániel (2009): Examining pedagogical spaces: with special reference to the Hungarian school of the 20th century. PhD thesis. ELTE PPK, Budapest.
- Pethő, Villő (2011): Elements of life reform in the music pedagogy of Zoltán Kodály and his followers. Doctoral dissertation. SZTE BTK, Szeged.
- Németh, Regina (2012): The Hungarian life reform efforts and their impact on art education: with special regard to the work of the Gödöllő Artists’ Colony. PhD thesis. ELTE PPK, Budapest.
- Pirka, Veronika (2012): The impact of the life reform movements on the development of the pedagogical public sphere in the 1920s and 30s in Hungary. PhD thesis. ELTE PPK, Budapest.
- Földesi, Renáta (2019): András Pető’s career: the path to conductive pedagogy (1911-1967). ELTE PPK, Budapest.
- Vincze, Beatrix (2019): Third-party pedagogical and life reform efforts – Utopia or Reality: László Németh’s Garden-Hungary. Habilitation thesis. ELTE PPK, Budapest.
- Tresó-Balogh Janka (2022): Life Reform – Movement Art – Empathy. Doctoral dissertation, ELTE PPK, Budapest.